Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Today’s #instatide challenge is to share a little bit about our morning routine. I have been tweaking my morning routine this year, after realizing that hectic mornings lead to hectic days. After reading about my morning routine, you may think I am um… crazy/ type a…. but.. I might be! :) ⠀ 1. COFFEE. The alarm goes off at 5:30 and I typically snooze until 5:45. I somehow stumble into the kitchen and make myself a big ol’ cup of black coffee. ⠀ 2. I bring my coffee and do 10 minutes of meditation. I started using the Headspace app and I think it is wonderful. I am in no way, shape, or form “good” at clearing my mind, but I am working on it! ⠀ 3. 10 minutes of yoga. I have been loving that snooze button and missing this step for the past week or so… but I need to get back at it! ⠀ 4. I write down 5 things I am grateful for… my list begins with coffee a lot of the time. ⠀ 5. I get dressed, put my face on, grab my breakfast and lunch and get in the car. ⠀ 6. I have a 30 minute commute to my school, so I usually listen to an audio book that I check out from the library. I highly recommend the book “Big Magic” for the creative types! ⠀ 7. At school, I create my to do list and identify my top three priorities for the day while I eat my breakfast.⠀ Like every normal person, sometimes time slips away from me and I run to the car with rachet hair and no shoes. Grace, not perfection though… Right? I can’t wait to read about everyone else’s routines. They are so interesting to me!⠀ *P.S. This is the sample mug that I received in the mail! So excited about these!

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2eCNmnk

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